Lovelynne Chong

Founder, Fyreflyz Pte Ltd

Branding, Marketing and Communication | Marketing, Entrepreneurship, Coaching

Lovelynne Chong


Founder and Marketing Ms Chief of Fyreflyz, Lovelynne has been working with young individuals in the last 14 years. Through design thinking, she successfully implemented problem solving techniques and creative content using design thinking. Our team went on to work on out of the box projects such as Super Japan Fest 2018 which garnered 51,000 people in 2 days and STB's #kamponggelamunited video with 4 million impressions over 7 days on all social media channels. Lovelynne also consulted for the National Gallery Singapore, Ministry of Health and is also an adjunct lecturer at Temasek Poly for Design Thinking and Entrepreneurship.

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