Rajiv Vij

Life and Executive Coach, Author, Speaker, Personal Alchemy

Leadership and Management | Leadership, Leadership, Psychology

Rajiv Vij


As Edmund Hillary said, 'It's not the mountain we conquer, but ourselves.' Inspired by similar experiences in his personal journey and his extensive coaching practice, Rajiv believes the path to outstanding leadership lies in embracing the journey we take within ourselves. Anchored in the principles of personal mastery, this highly engaging talkdescribes how deepening your self-awareness, learning to regulate your emotional triggers, reforming your conditioned beliefs and aligning your life and work to a higher purpose not only makes you an inspirational leader, but also directly contributes to your personal happiness, balance and fulfilment. Founded in the belief that every good leader can become great, this inspiring talk reveals the powerful inner journey of self-discovery that has worked for so many leaders and offers empowering insights to support you in discovering your greater self - both as a leader and as a person.