Mette Johansson

CEO - Corporate Coach and Trainer, MetaMind Training

Diversity & Inclusion, Leadership
Motivation, Women Business Leaders

Mette Johansson


Mette Johansson presents “Narratives – the stories that hold women back at work” published by Penguin Random House

Every organization has stories about women in the workplace that live on through constant retelling: ‘Women are too emotional’; ‘Women are not interested in a career’; and ‘We are hiring the best person for the job, regardless of gender’. We need to dispel these myths that undermine women and are keeping them on a lesser footing.  Presented in a highly entertaining way, Mette Johansson’s talk, “Narratives” challenges us to take different perspectives in the gender equity debate. In addition, she provides arguments and skills to shatter these workplace gender myths to inspire inclusion. Engage Mette for an insightful talk this International Women’s Day.