Mandd Fernando

Subconscious breakthrough coach, Miracleofminds

Motivation and Development | Mental Health, Motivation, Self-Development

Mandd Fernando


Meet Mandd, a beacon of resilience and holistic healing. In 2005, faced with temporary blindness, Mandd defied conventional treatment, embracing the realm of holistic medicine. Guided by a Chinese medicine practitioner, she embarked on a transformative journey of Qi Gong healing, reclaiming his sight. Inspired by personal triumph, Mandd delved deep into the study of subconscious realms, law of attraction, and energy healing, driven by a mission to aid his father's battle with alcohol addiction. Through relentless research, he unearthed the power of hypnotherapy, effecting profound change in his father's life. Mandd's story is a testament to the potency of alternative healing and unwavering determination.