Catherine Khaw

Founder & Chief Intelligence Officer at Data & Analytics Capital, DNA Capitals

Innovation, AI/ML & Technology | Inspiring Women, Data and Analytics, Digital Transformation

Catherine Khaw


Catherine, an advocate for data literacy across economies, organizations, and individuals, spearheads DNA Capitals, driving competitive edges through digital opportunities. Awarded the 2021 Skills Future Fellowships by President Halimah Yaacob, she's immersed in transformative projects, fostering an unwavering zeal for data-driven decisions.

She envisions data as vital as a staple in decision-making, evolving from basic statistics to advanced methods, enabling real-time insights. Catherine seeks to elevate analytics beyond governance, placing it at the heart of strategic planning. Aligning analytics with business intricacies, she shapes strategies, processes, and impacts bottom lines.

Rejecting the stereotype of data analysts as mere number-crunchers, Catherine envisions their creative role in business model design and strategic development. She emphasizes analytics as integral to driving business and innovation, not just for measurement and governance. Her mission? To bridge the gap between data expertise and strategic business initiatives.